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Helping Incarcerated Men to be Better Fathers

By FEI — February 15, 2012

Chicago, IL – July 18, 2011 – The Chicago Tribune article published on July 14, “Helping jailed dads escape parent trap” lacks a significant amount of resource information for incarcerated dads. Loving and caring fathers can be found in jail; some of them are serving sentences because they broke the law trying to find illegal means to stay current with child support orders to avoid jail. Incarcerated dads need educational and therapeutic support as much as any other father.

The Fatherhood Educational Institute (https://fatherhood-edu.org) provides information and resources for incarcerated parents to help them become better parents. “Children are the future of our society, and this is no less true of the children of incarcerated men.

We need to break the cycle of crime through positive father-child involvement because the most reliable predictor of crime is neither poverty nor race, but growing up fatherless,” says Jeffery M. Leving, President Emeritus of the Fatherhood Educational Institute.

Introducing indigent and incarcerated fathers to parenting education through the use of clinical and related educational tools is critical to the future of their children. “Visitation is more difficult for incarcerated fathers, but possible. Often a letter or note from a law office motivates reluctant caregivers to let fathers back into their children’s lives so bitter legal battles can be avoided,” says matrimonial attorney James Hagler. “If you feel your parental rights may be threatened, familiarize yourself with the laws of your state and, if it becomes necessary, find a family law attorney in your state to protect those rights.”

“Keep hope alive!” said Rev. Jessie Jackson.

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